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message$ -- receive a system message

msg$ = MESSAGE$

Message$ is one of the most important commands for graphical user interfaces. It checks the message queue for new messages that might have arrived from open windows or graphical widgets.

Most of the time the message queue is empty and message$ will return an empty string "". However, when some window or widget is selected or clicked on you probably will receive a message.

Note, once message$ is called, the queue is emptied. So you receive a message only once! It is therefore a good idea to store the message in a string (e.g. msg$) or in an array (see example below) so you can evaluate it further. 

Messages are separated by the pipe symbol "|". Normally, you only receive one message. However, when there is some time passing between two message calls (e.g. because of a long calculation or a sleep command), several messages might have been coming in. Therefore you should always split the whole message into its message parts with the token() command (split() will do too). Use a loop to go through all messages then.

The kind of message is related to the window or widget sending the messgae. Check the different widget entries for more information on the type of message they send. 

Currently, there is one general system message that you always should process: 
"_QuitRequested" -- this means that your program was asked to quit by another program (e.g. by ProcessController or the system shutdown)

// set DEBUG to true to have the messages printed on the console
// set it to false to disable this feature
DEBUG = true

window open 100,100 to 300,300, "Example", "Example"

dim msg$(1)
while(not quitting)
	// get all messages and split them immediatly
	numMessages = token(message$, msg$(), "|")
	// go through all messages
	for i = 1 to numMessages
		// if DEBUG is set, print the current message
		if(DEBUG) print msg$(i)
			case "_QuitRequested"
			case "
				quitting = true
		end switch
	next i
window close "Example"
This example shows a message loop as it is recommended for most programs. The message$ is split into parts by the token command. Using a switch(), the different messages can be examined.

Related: message send